Thursday, March 17, 2011


All of my seed ordering has been done for about a month.   In 2009, Mac and I decided that we would only plant non GMO and heirloom seeds and that we would try and learn to save seeds.   We found a site (Council for Responsible Genetics) where you seed companies have signed a pledge as to whether or not they sell genetically modified seeds.    So last year we only bought seeds from companies that signed this list.   But, there was one particular company I fell in love with - Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds - and this year all of my seeds came from them, they have the largest collection of heirloom seeds in the country.    I am going to do a separate post about what we ordered... but check out their website... they are fantastic.

We also tried our hand at saving seeds...spending  the summer collecting some seeds and this year we planted -  with our fingers crossed - an entire flat of saved seeds.  We have already had success with our seed saving - I let my lettuce bed go to seed at the end of the summer and in the fall I cut all the flowers and sprinkled them into the bed.   We now are watching lettuce come up... and will be eating it by April. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mixed Tape - February 2011 Edition

Yes... it is true... I have been AWOL for a month.  Ugh.   What a bad blogger I am.   I will promise you I haven't been loafing around watching soap operas and eating bon bons.   I am creating life here people (Mac tells me he created the life... I am just growing it... whatever).    Anyway, been listening to some new music and I made another compilation last month, yeah I am even late with the music.    This one is good.   I, like everyone else have flipped for Adele's new CD... go get it now people.   Another favorite in this mix is Foster the People's Pumped up Kicks... which every time I hear it reminds me of my friend Sara... who always calls 'em kicks.  I love that. 

One other thing that delayed the posting of last months mix was that I got the brilliant idea that I would start making a widget for the blog on that contained that months mix.   I thought it would be awesome if you all could stream the mix from my blog and get a sample.   Well that didn't work out too well... Grooveshark kept rejecting my MP3's and was not very user friendly.   I am going to try it one more time before I give Grooveshark the finger for good... anyone have any tips on using Grooveshark  or any better sites for building a musical widget please, please let me know.

1.   Young Blood – The Naked and Famous
2.   Sydney – Brett Dennen
3.   Pumped Up Kicks – Foster the People
4.   Calamity Song – The Decemberists
5.   Love is Endless - MoZella
6.   Rolling in the Deep – Adele
7.   Cat and Mouse – Nickki & Rich
8.   Under Cover of Darkness – The Strokes
9.   Fade Like a Shadow – KT Tunstall
10. Second Chance – Peter Bjorn and John
11. Come Home – Chappo
12. I want the world to Stop – Belle and Sebasitan
13. The Brightest Star – Chazz Valentine
14. I Follow Rivers – Lykke Li
15. Aberdeen – Cage the Elephant
16. My Name is Trouble – Keren Ann
17. Quiet Hours – Wild Nothing