Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wedding Trip Day 1 & 2 aka the longest day ever

Denver to Chicago to Tokyo to Bangkok...22 hours total flight time heading west, chasing the sun... we never saw darkness, until we left Tokyo and by that time we only had 6 hours left of traveling.    We spent these first two days eating our way thru every first class lounge and flight from Denver to Bangkok.   Thank GOD for Mac and his points... I had never flown first class oustide of the US or Central America... woah that is an eye opening experience.   We had our own cubicles, complete with toiletry bags and a full selection of movies and games at our fingertips.   Above is a photo of Mac in his cubbie.   I am so thankful... I don't know how I would have survived without it.

Once we landed in Bangkok we were suprisingly full of energy.   Customs was a breeze, or shall I say wasn't even open?   Yes we walked through.   We found a few Thai Sim card dealers found the best rate and bought one... 3 cents a minute to the US... AT&T, Verizon can suck it.   Our stop over (hotel) was across the airport parking lot.    We spent the night at a Novotel which was beautiful... staff was around every corner just sitting there waiting to help.    The Thai people have been so nice.   We managed to call our families to tell them we arrived and fell asleep.